Treatment Programs
For the highest quality of care, work directly with our doctors and their support staff for comprehensive evaluation, hands on support and the full benefit of what we have to offer. Appropriate for any type of case, experience the empowerment that comes with having this team behind you. Outpatients are always under the direct supervision of one of our docs, so you can feel comfortable that our full brain power is on your case!

Behavior Therapy Technician
This first appointment is to enable our team to collect a thorough understanding of the behavior problems you are struggling with at home. We have you fill out our intake form in advance and then a specially trained Behavior Therapy Technician will perform a detailed interview and behavioral observation to create a picture from which we can design your tailored treatment plan. From there, the technician can help you decide which of our services may be most appropriate for your pet. Immediate interventions are advised to hold you over until we can really get the ball rolling!
60 min

A critical first step in evaluating every behavior problem is a thorough medical evaluation to assess possible underlying medical contributions, determine additional diagnostics that may be needed, and discuss options for medical, behavioral and psychiatric treatments. The first doctor's visit will synthesize the detailed behavioral history obtained at the intake appointment with a medical assessment. These consults can be scheduled somewhat urgently so you all can get some fast relief.
60 min
Continuing care & treatment support:

As needed, based on your pet's individualized plan, for re-evaluating, re-examining, re-steering, re-grouping, updates and plan renovations
60 min

Med Checks
When appropriate, phone check-ins for medication & supplement adjustments so we can make sure we get the best brain match for your pet as quickly as possible
30 min

Targeted Treatment Appointment
Behavior Therapy Technician
For focused work on the most important skills, these shorter appointments give you the pointed feedback and frequent touchbase needed to cruise in your behavioral therapy plan. In clinic and virutal appointments are available. Frequency is typically once weekly.
30 min

Treatment Appointments
Behavior Therapy Technician
Now this is where the magic happens! The mainstay of treatment, these sessions are to provide hands-on coaching on the behavioral therapies prescribed by the doctor. In clinic and virtual appointments available. Frequency typically every 2 weeks.
60 min

Housecall Treatment
Behavior Therapy Technician
For Boulder county and beyond, housecall treatment appointments can be scheduled so we can work therapies in the comfort of your home or neighborhood. Now with more availability and flexibility, lets get working!
60-90 min
The general treatment path described applies to all canine and feline patients but may be altered at the discretion of the doctor, depending on the diagnosis and needs of the patient and the client. We create tailored plans for each patient. We are committed to being as flexible as possible to help you treat your pet and promise to be honest about how alterations from the recommended treatment course may effect treatment and prognosis. For other species, contact us to schedule as our appointment flow depends on the species.
For court-ordered evaluations, please contact our office for special scheduling.