Dr. Fagen is available for a variety of consulting projects based on your needs. Past consulting has included:
Welfare assessments
Protocol development
Expert testimony
Development of behavioral questionnaires
Rehoming and euthanasia decisions
Program design
Psychopharmacology use and protocols
and more!
Reach out with your interests and needs and we are happy to discuss!​
Want Dr. Fagen to speak at your event?
Having grown up in the age of Captain Planet...
One of Dr. Fagen's passions is educating the world on the field that has driven her life's work for the past 10 years. Education is one significant way The Veterinary Behavior Center can make an impact in this world that extends beyond the "one patient at a time" approach of the clinical service.
Examples of topics:
Specific behavioral disorders
Intro to psychopharmacology
Common behavioral myths debunked
How to approach a behavior problem
Low stress veterinary visits and handling
The science of learning
and more...
Together...with our powers combined...
we change the world!
Examples of formats:
Powerpoint presentations
Casual "lunch n' learn" talks
Hands-on workshops
Interactive games
Break-out discussion groups
and more...