You will be asked for your name and email so we know who is sending the content but you do not need to create any sort of account.
You can drag and drop or select multiple files at once.
For each asset, you will need to input the following by clicking + Add Details on each file. To do this in bulk, click Select All in the bottom left, and then click + Add Details on any of the files.
​Required: Include the Patients First and Last name in the box on the left - without this we won't know who it is of! You will not be allowed to submit without it.
Required: Usage Rights - by selecting approved, you agree that the uploads can be utilized for educational or marketing purposes outside of our organization, in addition to internal use. All uploaded content is subject to internal use for diagnosis, training purposes and more.
Optional: Include a description of what we are looking at. Any context you can provide is helpful for our interpretation.
Once you submit, a confirmation message will appear on the screen.
You can drag and drop multiple files in at the same time before submitting
Tips for this being as diagnostic as possible:
Keep videos 2 minutes or less (exception: webcam of departures as directed)
Ensure the video quality is reasonable: avoid grainy or dark images, stable camera height
Keep patient in view for all or most of the video​​
Please NEVER incite or prolong an aggressive event for the purpose of obtaining a video. While videos are helpful, we do not want to risk anyone's safety or create a bad learning experience for your pet just for the sake of a video.
If you prefer to post your videos on YouTube (privacy settings are available), then feel free to just email us or text us a link to access them. Be sure to include the pet's first and last name in the subject so we know who its for.